Don't Sell Your Saddle Framed Verse

Item #PDSS - $39.95
Don't Sell Your Saddle Framed Verse
This unique picture and verse by Don Bishop is laser engraved on leather, and framed in aromatic red cedar by a real lumber mill in Yukon, Oklahoma.
Framed size 10" x 12", hanging slot on back.
A Horsewoman's Prayer Framed Verse

Item #PHWP-MF - $39.95
A Horsewoman's Prayer Framed Verse
Framed size 9.5" wide x 12" tall.
Framed prayer printed on parchment, has fancy mat with brass Epona Medallion inset in the corner.
Click here for medallion
Frame is antique horseshoe pattern. It has a sawtooth hanger on the back, or display with easel (sold separately)
What's up with the "OLD LADY" stuff? Gina's note:
The past few years have brought epiphanies for me. Struggles with my mare Allie brought into focus the fact that I no longer possessed the riding skills of my younger years. You know - the skills that let you demand that your horse do your bidding, because you know you can ride out whatever resistance he could muster in protest. When it became clear that yes, I could indeed fall off and get hurt, I became a lot less bossy. Now, when Allie tells me that a request is unreasonable, I listen. My relationship with horses has entered a new phase, and I've met many other women who've arrived at this place with me. These items are for those of us who plan to never be without horses in our lives...
When I am old... Framed Verse
Item #PWIO-MF - $39.95
When I am old... Framed Verse
Framed size 12" wide x 9.5" tall.
Comes as shown with picture - back is removable so you can insert your own 3" x 5" photo if desired!
When I am Old...
I shall wear diamonds
And a wide brimmed straw hat
With silver and leather on it
and I shall spend my social security
On white wine and carrots
And sit in the alley of my barn
And listen to my horses breathe.
I will sneak out
in the middle of a summer's night
And ride the chestnut mare
Across the moonstruck meadow.
If my old bones will allow.
When people come to call I will smile and nod
As I walk them past the gardens to the barn
And show, instead, the beauty growing there
In stalls fresh-lined with straw.
I will shovel and sweat and
Wear hay in my hair as if it were a jewel.
And I will be an embarrassment to all
Who look down on me.
They've not yet found the peace in being free
To love a horse as a friend,
A friend who waits at midnight hour
With nuzzle and nicker and patient eyes
For the kind of woman I will be
When I am Old.
Written by Patty Barnhart
For the Want of a Nail
Item #PBF-MF
For the Want of a Nail
Price - $39.95
Framed with a color picture of a farrier & and a real horseshoe nail.
Size 9.5" x 12". Easel sold separately
The wording on the color picture says:
Never underestimate the impact of the details.
The wording below the picture says:
For want of a nail, the shoe was lost;
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost;
For want of a horse, the rider was lost;
For want of a rider, the battle was lost;
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost;
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
-Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack
A Rider's Prayer
Item #PRP-MF
A Rider's Prayer
Price - $39.95
Size 9.5" x 12". Easel sold separately
A Rider's Prayer
Dearest Creator in Heaven,
Give me strength to guide my horse.
Make my hands soft and my head clear.
Let my horse understand me and I him.
My heart you have blessed with a special love of these
Let me never lose sight of it.
My soul you have gifted with a deep need for them.
Let that need never lessen.
Always let my breath catch as the sun gleams on an elegant
Always may my throat tighten at the sound of a gentle nicker.
Let the scent of fresh hay and a new bag of grain be sweet to
Let the touch of a warm nose on my hand always bring a smile.
I adore the joy of a warm day on the farm.
The grace and splendor of a running horse,
The thunder of its hooves makes my eyes burn and my heart
Let it always be so.
Dearest Creator grant me patience,
For horses are harnessed wind, and wind can be flighty.
Let me not frighten or harm them.
Instead show me ways to understand them.
Above all, dear Creator, fill my life with them.
When I pass from this world,
Send my soul to no heaven without them.
For this love you have given me graces my existence
And I shall cherish it and praise You for it for all time.
Author Unknown
A Horse's Prayer
Item #PHP-MF
A Horse's Prayer
Price - $39.95
Features the timeless prayer, with a small color picture of "Shoeing" by Edwin Landseer. Size 9.5" x 12". Easel sold separately
A Horse's Prayer
Feed me, water and care for me, and when the day's work is
done, provide me with a shelter, a clean dry stall large
enough for me to lie down in comfort. Talk to me, your voice
often means as much to me as the reins. Pet me sometimes that
I may serve you more gladly and learn to love you. Shoe me
properly that I may serve you in comfort.
Never strike, beat or kick me when I don't understand what you
want, but give me the chance to understand you. And finally oh
master, when my youthful strength is gone do not turn me out
to starve or freeze, or sell me to some cruel owner to be
slowly tortured or stoned to death, but do thou, my master
take my life in the kindest way, and your God will reward you
here and hereafter. You will not consider me irreverent if I
ask this in the name of Him who was born in a
stable... -Amen
Don't Cry for the Horses
Don't Cry for the Horses
Price - $39.95
This Framed Verse is a perfect gift for the memory of a lost horse. Sympathy cards with the verse below are also available on our Sympathy Card webpage. Size 9.5" x 12". Easel sold separately
Don't Cry for the Horses
Don't cry for the horses
That life has set free
A million white horses
forever to be
Don't cry for the horses
Now in God's hands
As they dance and they prance
To a heavenly band.
They were ours as a gift
But never to keep
As they close their eyes
Forever to sleep
Their spirits unbound
On silver wings they fly
A million white horses
Against the blue sky
Look up into heaven
You'll see them above
The horses we lost
The horses we loved
Manes and tails flowing
They gallop through time
They were never yours
They were never mine
Don't cry for the horses
They will be back someday
When our time has come
They will show us the way
Do you hear that soft nicker
Close to your ear?
Don't cry for the horses
Love the ones that are here.
written by Brenda Riley-Seymore
A Pet's Prayer
A Pet's Prayer
My people are so precious, Lord;
I know You think so, too...
And I believe You put me here
To love them just for You!
They take such gentle care of me
And have such tender hearts...
Please use me, Lord, to comfort them
Whenever teardrops start.
They face a lot of battles
As they live & work each day...
They need me, Lord,
To make them smile
And show them how to play!
The world is full of people,
But sometimes real friends are few...
Please let my love & loyalty
Remind them, Lord, of you.
And when my final moment comes,
Lord, tell them as we part...
I was a made-to-order gift
From Your great, loving heart!
copyright Hope Herrington Kolb