2025 Blacksmith Calendar of Vintage Images
These calendars are a wealth of high quality images of all things to do with blacksmithing in days of old. Features 12 big pictures of antique blacksmith shop scenes, showing lots of equipment, tools, and of course blacksmiths of the day, each one a frameable piece of history in it's own right. The unfolded dimensions are 11" x 17
Calendar anniversary dates and trivia provided by Fran Jurga
Since 1985, Fran Jurga’s Hoofcare Publishing has been the go-to source for current farrier industry-related news, along with an astonishing array of historical reporting: stories pertaining to all things farrier and blacksmith. Fran’s extensive background in history, research, copywriting and editing is apparent when you read her articles. Most are illustrated with pertinent images that can require hours of searching to find, verify and document.
Each of the dates and anniversaries noted in this calendar are illustrated and elaborated on in great detail at Hoofblog.com - sign up for the HoofPrints email newsletter here and we’ll send a reminder whenever a significant date appears, along with a direct link to the story of the day.