Farrier Stories
Story 6:
It was one of those days where everything went wrong. It was
hot and humid, the horses were cranky and the flies were bad.
I was working on a foundered horse with incredibly smelly feet
(attracting even more flies) when the people's dog sauntered
up and proceeded to urinate in my toolbox. I chased him away
and they apologized, commenting that the dog had recently
hiked his leg on the baby in the playpen, too. I cleaned up my
tools with a towel from my truck.
The dog really got the last laugh, though - because after I
finished and was on my way to the next stop I grabbed a towed
to wipe the sweat off of my face. Unfortunately I realized too
late that it was the same towel that I had used to clean my
tools after the dog had "watered" then!
- as told by Rob Keesling to his wife, Gina