Books for Farriers & Veterinarians
Care and Rehabilitation of the Equine Foot
Hoof Rehabilitation Specialist Pete Ramey has teamed up with contributing authors
Robert M. Bowker, VMD, PhD, Hilary M. Clayton, BVMS, PhD, DACVSMR,MRCVS,
Brian Hampson, PhD, Eleanor Kellon, VMD, Kerry Ridgway, DVM,
Debra Taylor, DVM, MS, DACVIM, Kathryn Watts, BS.
Together they have detailed countless aspects of the veterinary care, hoof maintenance, internal development, nutrition, biomechanics, property management, and husbandry needed to optimize the equine foot and to treat many of the problems common to horses everywhere.
To see Table of Contents / Outline click
Also, there are a whole bunch of pictures from the book
Gregory's Textbook of Farriery

Download excerts here
Table of Contents, Chapter 13: Dissection, Chapter 28: Clip Fitting, Chapter 43: Lameness
Gina's note: "We've carried a lot of different educational farrier books over the years, and they are all very good. All are worth owning for your library. When I sat down to review this one, I wanted to see what set it apart from the others. If you've checked out the sample chapters above, you know that they're packed with usable, current information for all manner of topics related to horseshoeing and the horse's hoof. I was impressed by this quote on horsemanship:
"Keep working with the horse. It is important to maintain your composure. Do not lose your temper. I know. This is a hard one, and every one of us has our moments when it is just too much, and we get mad at the horse. Try and remember that you should never get mad at a horse for being a horse. That is how God made them, and if you are going to work on and with them, you will have to accept it.. Getting mad is apt to get you or the horse hurt, and later on you may regret it, either way."
Many of the chapters in this book begin with a Bible verse, something I don't remember seeing before in any horseshoeing text. Chapter 7 - General Principles of Farriery begins with Psalm 20:7 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."
The Principles of Farriery
About the Authors:
Dr Chris Colles is a highly regarded equine veterinary surgeon based in Warwickshire. He has had over thirty papers published in journals, contributed to several veterinary books, and delivered numerous lectures to learned societies around the world. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Farriers, an accolade rarely bestowed on those outside the farriery profession. Ron Ware is a Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Farriers. Well-respected in his field, he was consultant farrier to the Animal Health Trust in Newmarket and the Hong Kong Jockey Club, and has specialised in remedial and surgical shoeing.
Farriery - Foal to Racehorse
Essential Principles of Horseshoeing
Filled with practical instructions, interactive training materials and step-by-step illustrations of common horseshoeing and trimming techniques, Essential Principles of Horseshoeing is the keystone text for farrier education or home use. It presents a new, yet foundational way of teaching this ancient craft. Traditional techniques of the farrier craft have changed little in 2,000 years, yet their application has changed dramatically in the last 25 years. This colorful book teaches simple techniques to accelerate learning and mastery.
Butler's Principles of Horseshoeing set the standard for farrier eduction. Dr Butler continues to be the trusted voice for farrier training. This Essential book evolved from lessons Dr Butler learned while teaching the craft to thousands of students, including his sons. His teaching materials provide a solid foundation of farrier education in the 21st century, as well as sound principles of horseshoeing for the betterment of horses everywhere.
Whether you are a beginner, do-it-yourselfer or expert farrier seeking to perfect your craft, this book equips individuals of all backgrounds with the best techniques to accurately trim and shoe horses. No more flipping through long, dry text books with too many words and not enough demonstration on how to get the job done! Instead,
Essential Principles of Horseshoeing is a highly visual, easy-to-understand, and interactive companion, utilizing colorful guides and even QR codes to send readers to directly relevant video demonstrations on live horses of common solutions and horseshoeing techniques.
Principles of Horseshoeing III and Study Guide
One of the sharpest tools in the hands of aspiring and experienced farriers. An up-to-date revision of the farrier industry's most-used textbook - Principles of Horseshoeing II, it's a book people will want to read and reread over and over again.
Written in a conversational easy-to-understand style, it will help farriers of all skill levels. Progressive and sequential in its learning system, it helps pick up "grades" you may have missed in your formal or self-education. P3 contains essential up-to-date knowledge with references. It has horse knowledge you can get no where else.
It is interesting to note that when the first Principles of Horseshoeing was published 30 years ago, the price of the book was the same as a pair of top quality nippers. A farrier could shoe two horses and pay for the book. The second edition was released in 1985, and the price of a pair of nippers was still relative in cost to the book's price. Today's price still compares to the cost of a top quality pair of nippers ? one of the most important tools in a
farrier's toolbox. Receiving money to shoe 2-3 horses still covers the cost of The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3)! A pair of nippers will wear out in a few years, but this book will last a lifetime!
P3 is designed for the professional farrier who wants to progress and make a profit. He or she can invest in a farrier career at any level - from beginning to advanced. There is information found in this book that is found in no other place! Its content can enhance your career, business and life. It is well illustrated for the visual learner with over 2300 illustrations. It is professionally bound for a lifetime of use.
Hoof Problems Book
Hoof Construction, Trimming & Shoeing, Solutions for Common Issues & Ailments
Strike of the Hammer
A Guide to Understanding Your Farrier
Corrective Farriery
A textbook of remedial horseshoeing - VOLUME 1 & 2 by Simon Curtis
These books cover all aspects of remedial shoeing and the associated background knowledge. It is profusely illustrated in color and is written with both farriers and veterinary surgeons in mind. Full of current information about treatment of all manners of hoof ailments, Volume 1 was published in 2002, and Volume 2 (a continuation) was published in 2006. Filled to the brim with contributions from 14 authors who specialize in the horse's hoof. An important addition to the library of any farrier or vet. Books are 7" x 10" x 1" thick.

Color Atlas of the Horse's Foot is out of print and no longer available!
We think CORRECTIVE FARRIERY 1 & 2 are great replacements for this time honored work on the hoof and lameness.
Shoeing in Your Right Mind
Confessions of a Horseshoer
Confessions of a Horseshoer by Ron Tatum
Hardcover, 229 pages, illustrated with black and white photos
Confessions of a Horseshoer offers a close and personal look at the mind-set of a professional horseshoer (farrier) who also happens to be a college professor. The book, an ironic and playful view of the many unusual animals (and people) Ron Tatum has encountered over thirty-seven years, is nicely balanced between straightforward presentation, self-effacing humor, and lightly seasoned wisdom. It captures the day-to-day life of a somewhat cantankerous old guy, who has attitude and strong opinions.
Throughout the book, Tatum ponders the causes that led him into the apparently opposing worlds of horseshoeing, with its mud, pain, and danger, and the bookish life of a college professor. He tells the reader that it is his hope that writing the book will help him understand this apparent paradox between the physical and the mental.
Tatum provides a detailed description of the horseshoeing process, its history, and why horses need shoes in the first place. The reader will learn about the dangers of shoeing horses in "Injuries I Have Known," in which Tatum describes one particular self-inflicted injury that he claims no other horseshoer has ever, or will ever, experience. "Eight Week Syndrome" demonstrates the close, often therapeutic, relationship between the horseshoer and his or her customers. Tatum relates the story of an old Wyoming cowboy who could talk with horses, and consistently cure their injuries, lameness, and other physical problems after the veterinarians had given up. The humor in the chapters on chickens and rabbits will entertain any reader, as well as the sections on various dogs, ducks, llamas, goats, flies, and a sexually disoriented pig.
Readers of western life and lovers of horses will find Confessions of a Horseshoer an informative, quirky, and delightful work full of humor, attitude, and off-beat insight.
Regular Price $24.95 - Sale Price $19.95
Tails of a Horseshoer by Ray Legel
Price $26.95
Softcover 297 pages - Lots of black & white illustrations and photographs
Wild, humorous, serious and educational stories compiled from 30 years behind the anvil. This book wll give horse owners a glimpse of a farriers' life, and farriers a chuckle at the familiar situations and events.
44 Chapters include:
Beyond the Call of Duty
Close Encounters with Other Animals
Kicked by a Dead Horse
Kids; From Devils to Darlings
Road Apple Assault
Help From A Psychic to Shoe a Horse
and much more...
Read the review of this book featured in American Farriers Journal